GEC owns and operates an extensive and varied collection of equipment along with a large assortment of typical clean-up and recovery materials. Our equipment has been carefully selected to meet the needs of our clients’ emergency and non-emergency projects. Ownership of necessary equipment allows GEC to provide quicker response time without waiting for “rental deliveries” or subcontractors’ schedules. By calling GEC, this reduces yet another unnecessary and consuming variable during an emergency. “Pride of ownership” means the quality of equipment is kept in good working order and ready for the job at any hour. In house operators and mechanics/technicians strive to maintain this quality and continue production throughout any project.
GEC owns and operates its’ own fleet of heavy equipment and rolling stock. From heavy earthmoving tractors, i.e., backhoes, track loaders, excavators and bulldozers to name a few, to road tractors, multiple trailers, dump trucks, roll offs and utility trucks, GEC is ready for your jobs. Straight and tanker trailer vacuum units are also included as a staple in our group.

The word “Equipment” is not just limited to the heavy iron. GEC also owns and maintains a large inventory of personal protective equipment (PPE) in working levels, A through C to meet your projects’ specific needs. Direct reading monitoring instruments allow our technicians real time results to determine necessary activities and provide safe working conditions. Specialty equipment such as air scrubbers, multiple type chemical transfer pumps, chemical storage containers, coring machines, and much more.
For inland waterway spills, GEC owns light watercraft/workboats, supplied with containment boom, tools and necessary equipment for immediate deployment. GEC also maintains several thousand feed of absorbent boom, absorbent pads, absorbent media and other recovery materials in its inventory.